Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Take Care of Yourself

School is out and all the stress seems far away. In another week or two you may even feel somewhat rested and human again. And as you feel better, you will wonder how and why you ever got into that cycle of tired > cranky > behind in grading > just doing what you have to do today and not looking for new ways to do things > “I think I’m coming down with a cold” > really tired > “how much longer to vacation?”

And yes, some place in there you had a couple of days off or you went to a training or conference and got hyped up and vowed you would tackle things differently. But then Johnny got on your nerves and you got behind in grading again or three parents just had to have conferences this week and that meant you lost your free period. Does this sound familiar? We’ve all been there!

But now it is summer and you got your school things put away for another year and maybe even got outdoors for some fresh air. I talked to a teacher last week who said she feels so much better with her flowerbeds weeded!

What new habits can you start this summer that will carry over into the new school year and help you feel better and more on top of all those tasks? Start by assessing the six areas of your health: Emotional, Physical, Intellectual, Social, Occupational, and Spiritual. Each assessment is only a few questions and will tell you a lot about yourself.

 Use the Attending to My Wellness planning sheet to start some changes for the better. Taking good care of yourself is a necessity, not a luxury. Each day take time to relax, time to connect with those important to you, and time to do something you enjoy. And don’t forget to nurture your sense of humor.

For more help in planning for better health:
      • Check the Web sites in the Stress and Wellness topic of the Facilitate Resilience course
      • Use the key words “nutrition,” “stress,” and “health” on 3 Things to Try
      • Click on the Wellness tip on the KDP Connect home page

Aim for balance. A balanced approach includes personal care and the healthy management of your responsibilities.

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