Thursday, February 26, 2009

Oak Ridge educators pass on raises

In education news this morning, an uplifting story of the decision by Oak Ridge, Tennessee educators to forgo a request for an annual salary increase because of the risk the increase might place on other educators. Willow Brook Elementary principal Mardee Miller told the board of education that school principals and vice principals “cannot ask for raises at the expense of others who may lose their jobs. We need more staff to meet the expectations, not less.” Oak Ridge Education Association President Steve Reddick delivered a similar message on behalf of educators, saying he “cannot in good conscience stand here and make a salary increase request tonight.”

Here's the link to the full story in yesterday's issue of the Oak Ridger.

What's happening in your district in relation to these challenging economic times? Post a comment here or come to the KDP Discussion Board and share what's going on in your area.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

25 Years in Education: The MetLife Survey

Hi everyone! The annual MetLife Survey of the American Teacher: Past, Present, and Future was released today and is now available on MetLife's web site ( and through ERIC (here's the link). The research was gathered through phone surveys with 1,000 public k-12 teachers and more than 500 principals. More than 900 students also participated (grades 3-12) through an online researching tool. Here are a few links to more info:

Are you surprised by the findings in this year's report? Add a comment by clicking below and tell us what you think!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Do away with grade levels for K-8?

There's an interesting education story in the news this morning. In Westminster, Colorado, an urban school district of 10,000 students will experience a major educational shift next fall. When they return to their elementary and middle schools, they will find no grade levels. Or grades. Instead, students will be grouped into 10 multiage levels, based on their proficiency in different subject areas. The groupings are flexible; when students demonstrate mastery of a subject, they will move to another group. Superintendent Roberta Selleck said that the rapid decline of test scores and the soaring dropout rate prompted the drastic move. Selleck said, "...we realized we are disconnecting [from] our kids."

Read the article, "A Colorado school district does away with grade levels," posted this morning and weigh in here with your own thoughts! This will be a fascinating story to watch.