Thursday, June 25, 2009
Twitter in Education
Click here to read the notes of Dr. Rankin's experiment, and here to read the blog post from Kim Smith, the graduate student who created the video.
We'd love to hear your comments about this emerging and popular technology. Do you use Twitter in the classroom? Tell us more. :)
Friday, April 24, 2009
International Ed: How Teachers and Principals Can Get Involved
In KDP’s continuing interview with Caterina Cregor Blitzer, Director of International Education for the Indiana Department of Education, said that international education isn’t just something “out there” that needs to be considered eventually; rather, “it’s in our backyard and on our main street and in our schools.” What used to be an unusual experience—meeting face to face with someone from another culture—is now an everyday event. That’s why a compelling aspect of the International Education message is that “international education starts at home.” Parents, grandparents, schools, churches, communities, businesses, and civic groups all have a share in creating a sense of welcome, an aura of hospitality, for international families.
Indiana attracts many international families because of the reasonable cost of living, the variety of industry, and the quality of life, and this creates new considerations for teachers in the classroom. In order to provide a quality education for each child, educators must be able to understand, relate, teach, and assess the learning of international students. Creating an atmosphere of international learning in the classroom requires educators to expand their own horizons beyond just learning the simple basics of day-to-day communication. When teachers and administrations travel, experiencing for themselves what it means to be “global citizens,” they return with changed perspectives and rich experiences that bring the world--naturally and organically--into the classroom as they teach.
Part of Ms. Blitzer’s role as Director of International Education in Indiana involves developing partnerships to help facilitate these kinds of international experiences for educators. Because educating for a global economy is a vital part of creating a vibrant, highly skilled workforce, the best businesses in the state share a passion for International Education and want to hire employees with true 21st century skills that include knowledge of world regions, skill in communicating using world languages, and experience in working respectfully with people from other cultures. Through multiple collaborative projects, International Education helps educators take advantage of opportunities to travel abroad, studying and teaching in different cultures.
Many Indiana schools are already participating in international school-to-school partnerships with schools in China, France, Germany, Spain, and Taiwan. These partnerships provide great opportunities for schools in different cultures to develop real relationships that build over time. The relationships might begin with simple e-mail correspondence between students and teachers and then move to shared classroom projects and videoconferences. As the relationship develops, opportunities for hosting and traveling—for students, teachers, and administrators—can develop between the partnering schools.
To find out more about International Education on a national level, visit the U.S. Department of Education International Affairs Office site. For more about International Education, International Exchange and School-to-school Partnership opportunities available to Indiana school communities, see the DOE international education site: The Indiana Education Goes Global: 2009 Guide to International Education and Exchange for Indiana Schools will be available online upon publication.
Next segment: The Future of International Education
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Global Education: Starting Where We Are
Ms. Blitzer brings personal experience in global citizenship to her role at the Indiana DOE. Born in Italy, Ms. Blitzer discovered that her parents, her village (“in the broadest sense of the term”), and then her new home of New York all helped create just the right atmosphere for her to learn what it means to be American, first and foremost, and Italian American as well. During her 10-year span as the Executive Director of the International Center of Indianapolis, Ms. Blitzer often worked with individuals from Indiana industry who were about to embark on opportunities abroad—and she realized how rare it was for people to have had any kind of educational preparation for global fluency. “I began to wonder what experience they might have had in K-12 to set the stage and help prepare them,” she said. “And that triggered in me a desire to be a cultural and communication bridge, to work to foster understanding and bring the benefits that are available through global competencies.”
When Indiana created the Directorship for International Education, the state became one of only 10 in the nation to have a position solely dedicated to global education. The goals for International Education at the state level involve creating and supporting opportunities for Indiana educators and students to expand their global competency in a variety of ways—through creative school partnerships, international exchange programs (for teachers and students), and by providing comprehensive resources that help make it all possible.
Ms. Blitzer brings a whole-system approach to her view of international education and seeks not only to provide information and involvement opportunities for educators, but also to facilitate the links and funding that make the opportunities possible. She believes the time is right for increased awareness and investment in global education. Because of the priorities of the new U.S. administration, she says, “We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to articulate goals on par with the best countries in the world.” Developing global competencies is more important—and more possible—than ever before, and preparing our students with 21st Century Skills means new models for international education are needed through the entire K-12 spectrum.
Working in partnership with a number of organizations and funders, which includes support from the Longview Foundation, the Asia Society, and local partners, the International Education division of the Indiana DOE is able to provide public forums and workshops on global education. In addition, a grant from the Longview Foundation made possible the soon-to-be-released Indiana Education Goes Global, a resource guide for schools that provides model programs, best practices, and other resources for international education and exchange. (We will post a link to the guide as soon as it is available.)
Next segment: How Teachers and Principals Can Get involved
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Focus on International Education
In recent months, KDP’s international initiatives have been receiving a lot of attention! For several months, we have been working to establish a partnership with the United Nations (more about this in an upcoming post). Here is an update on our international efforts:
- KDP signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Taipei in Taiwan. This year we will have a new international chapter at the Taipei Municipal University of Education. Welcome new KDP members!
- Faye Snodgress, Executive Director of KDP, recently attended the Teaching Human Rights: Global to Local conference at the Carter Center in Atlanta, GA, in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- We have a new International Initiatives section on our recently redesigned Web site, where educational organizations outside the United States can review the benefits, requirements, guidelines, and process for starting an international KDP chapter.
- KDP has a new International Initiative Ad Hoc committee, chaired by Dr. Nathan Bond (Texas State University) and including Dr. Mary Clement (Berry College), Dr. Charles Webber (University of Calgary) , and Dr. Gouli Liang (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater) as committee members.
- The Educational Forum, KDP’s scholarly, doubly masked peer-reviewed journal, is receiving more international submissions than ever before, with recent articles from authors in Australia, Malaya, Mexico, Pakistan, Russia, Sweden, and Turkey.
Over the course of the next few weeks, you will see a number of posts from an interview with Caterina Cregor Blitzer, Director of International Education for the Indiana Department of Education. Indiana is one of 10 states in the United States to have a state-level focus dedicated to growing and supporting international education initiatives, and we are pleased to be able to provide some insight into what’s happening at the state level in global education. As Ms. Cregor Blitzer so aptly said in the interview, “The world is here!”
Please explore our international resources on the KDP site and check back for the first installment of the three-part interview coming soon!
We would also love to hear what your state, district, school, or class is doing to increase global awareness and cultural fluency! Click Comments below to add your thoughts, or come to the KDP Discussion Board and join this thread!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Meet the authors!
- Gorrow: I am truly blessed to have had the opportunity to work closely with awesome colleagues--coauthor Susan Muller and KDP Editor Karen Allen--and I felt inspired by imagining the ways in which teachers might one day apply our ideas to positively influence their lives. Perhaps the most challenging aspect of this project for me was the amount of time required to complete all of the steps from developing a proposal, to creating the initial draft for review, to revising the final proof, to layout. Friends might say that Susan and I have Type-A personalities, so waiting for anything is a challenge for us. Yet, this project actually helped both of us develop patience and we concluded that staying in balance really is critical to living a happy life.
Muller: I was most pleased with the time I spent working with Teena. We worked very well together generating ideas and figuring out ways to express and present these concepts within the confines of the ABC structure for the book. The process involved compiling and writing information on each of the wellness topics, then reworking each area in a manner that would apply directly to teachers. As we progressed and the book began to take shape it seemed to come together very nicely despite those moments when connecting the various concepts posed a challenge. We were able to resolve the issue of connecting the ABCs by reviewing the dimensions of wellness, refocusing on the idea of balance, then creating the surveys and mobiles in an attempt to pull it all together.
- Gorrow and Muller: We hope that the contents of this book will be of interest to
- Teacher interns
- Preservice teachers
- Beginning teachers
- Veteran teachers
- School administrators
- College professors in the teacher education field, instructing classroom management courses and other methods courses
KDP: The ABC’s of Wellness specifically discusses the importance of teachers and educators leading a healthy lifestyle. Why is it important for teachers to monitor their health and make sure they are living a balanced life?
Muller: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is vital for everyone regardless of their profession. We each have distinct personalities and areas of interest. These interests and personality characteristics often drive our behaviors, including our health behaviors. For most people it does not come naturally to attend equally to each of the dimensions of wellness. It is far more common to focus on the two or three areas that bring us the most immediate satisfaction. This tendency to focus on some areas and neglect other areas leads to imbalance. Sooner or later the inattention to specific dimensions of wellness comes back to haunt us. We develop signs and symptoms of poor levels of well-being (e.g. overweight, insomnia, depression, loneliness, anxiety over poor job performance). The chances of becoming imbalanced is high for teachers as evidenced by the many who report feeling isolated, depressed, overwhelmed by a variety of responsibilities, and eventually leave the profession in search of an occupation that will provide better opportunities for happiness and contentment. This book is designed to help teachers achieve and maintain high levels of well-being despite the many demands associated with being an educator. Maintaining high levels of wellness might ultimately improve their odds of remaining in the teaching profession as active, engaged, life-long learners.
KDP: As seasoned experts in the education field, what general advice would you give to new teachers just starting out?
Muller: It is the little things in life that add up to the sum of a person. Therefore, I would advise all teachers to get up every day and give life your best effort. If you take time to do things the right way, with good intentions for others, you will find that the journey becomes much more enjoyable. Once you make your classroom a warm, welcoming environment, you will be rewarded by students who will reciprocate and make your day-to-day interactions much more meaningful. Being a teacher is not limited to imparting your knowledge of the subject matter, but extends to sharing your life with your students and colleagues. Keeping each aspect of your life in balance is essential to overall well-being and to career satisfaction and success.
Gorrow: I agree with Susan's comments. Also, remember why you wanted to become a teacher and keep your passion alive. Decide now that your attitude is a choice that affects you and others around you. When you are disappointed or tired, avoid the temptation to complain, gossip, or criticize. Instead, look for the good in yourself, your students, and your colleagues. Keep in mind that your wellness is a series of decisions, so strive to balance your personal needs and work responsibilities.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Oak Ridge educators pass on raises
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
25 Years in Education: The MetLife Survey
- A news summary of report highlights
- The report on MetLife's site
- ERIC [Search for MetLife Survey to find a list of all currently available reports]
Are you surprised by the findings in this year's report? Add a comment by clicking below and tell us what you think!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Do away with grade levels for K-8?
Read the article, "A Colorado school district does away with grade levels," posted this morning and weigh in here with your own thoughts! This will be a fascinating story to watch.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Thinking educational reform
What types of qualities or approaches do you think will really make a positive difference in education today? Weigh in and add your voice to the conversation by clicking Comments below.
You're also invited to come vote in the LinkedIn poll we just posted: Education reform in America--where do we start?
Friday, January 23, 2009
A new day in education
It's an important time in education, and a perfect time to let your voice be heard. With the new administration comes a new agenda, and the possibilities for great ideas, much-needed reforms, and inspired voices are wide open. Here are some links to help you get up to speed with the changes already afoot:
- Obama general Education agenda
- Transcript of confirmation hearing for Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
- EdWeek article about Arne Duncan